PetYen Picks: Our Top Pet-Friendly Events in NYC

A Spotlight on our Favorite Annual Dog-Friendly Events Around New York City The PupDate : Bark Avenue Adopt-a-Thon The Dog Days : Sunday, April 29th, 2018: 1-5pm The Pack Leader : Douglas Elliman X Marks the Spot Where : Carroll Park in Carroll Gardens Brooklyn: Court Street between Carroll & President Street The…Read More

How Much is Dog Boarding in New York City?

We all hate being away from our pups, but the day is sure to come when you’re forced into a business trip, or better yet when the promise of island weather and margaritas call you to a human-only resort. But before you even think of traveling, you’ll have to decide on who…Read More

I Finally Found the Perfect Present for Pet Parents

Every year I agonize over what to get Jeremy, my brother and the CEO of PetYen, for his birthday. Aside from his great love for his wife and a voracious appreciation of fine foods, Jeremy’s true passion in life is quite simply put: pets. Or more specifically, his brood of furkids; Ren…Read More

5 Weight Loss Tips For Your Cat This New Year

With a new year and new beginnings, our furry felines suffer from obesity and weight gain, just like their human companions. And, after all those holiday treats and long winter cat naps, January is the perfect time to focus on getting back in shape for you and your cat. Many cats, especially…Read More

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