We pivoted, as all companies in their earliest development tend to do. We started out with the idea that we were going to leave our registration process as open and accessible to as many New York City pet businesses as possible. Our thinking behind this was that the more replies a pet owner received from their service request, the better. But, as we began to introduce PetYen to the public, we realized that it was more important to pet owner’s that a select few of the best and highest rated service providers responded rather then a larger group representing a mix of service levels. So we pulled back from the “all in” business plan and turned it to a “only the best” business plan. We first developed a strict “Standards Of Excellence” that every business on our search engine must sign off on before being accepted (see the full standards on our homepage). Now we laugh that it’s easier to get in to Harvard then listed in our search engine! Our process begins by selecting only the highest rated pet services on yelp. Then we go a step further and preview the reviews from past customers and make sure they are legit. Then we investigate and follow their social media presence, we check pictures of groomed dogs, successful training stories and techniques. We make sure the pictures of dogs on walks and in boarding/daycare are happy and safe. We go through the products and services being offered and make sure that they represent the highest standards in the industry. The next step involves a personal visit to the establishment (brick and mortar) or a lengthy interview with freelancers working from home. We have been in the dog business for twelve years and know the difference between the best and the rest. If a pet business passes our initial investigation they then must sign off on our “Standards of Excellence” pledge and only then do they get entered into our Search engine.
Welcome to the new PetYen…Now perhaps the most selective and curated search engine in New York City for pet services and supplies. Give us a try and get instantly connected to the best New York City has to offer
Warmest Regards,
Founder and CEO
Jeremy Feldman